Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Multi-Domain Web Hosting - Advantages and Disadvantages


Multi-domain hosting gives the web hosting account holder the ability to host multiple domains on a single web hosting account.

The biggest advantage is the money to be saved. You don't have to incur additional hosting costs when you get the bug to start another website. This is especially advantageous if you're an avid blogger, an internet marketer, need an online presence for your brick and mortar business, want to post your family's activities and summer vacation photos, or maybe you want your own personal email address with a spiffy domain name.

Multi-Domain Web Hosting - Advantages and Disadvantages


All web hosting companies have infrequent "burps" in service, but no doubt you'll select a reputable web host that knows how to limit these. However, if a web host does suffer an unfortunate prolonged outage and all of your domains are on a single account, then all of your sites will be inaccessible during the down time. It's something you'll need to take into consideration if you plan on hosting sites that are generating an income. No visitors means no money coming in.

All of your domains will resolve to the same IP address. If your sites are giving back links to each other in hopes of boosting your position on the search engines, having the same IP address won't help a lot because the search engines can see you're basically linking to yourself. However, any additional traffic you gain is always welcome.

In Summary:

Multi-domain hosting is very economical, but if you're running several mission critical businesses, spreading them out across different hosting companies may be advantageous in the long run. The good news is, there are many reputable web hosting companies offering quality hosting at very low competitive prices. 

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Shared Hosting Versus VPS Hosting

Putting up a website is easier said than done. To begin with, there are a lot of factors that you should take time to consider. If you're not adept in finding the right resources, you may end up with a fruitless business venture. So instead of simply filling up your website with useful information as well as high quality products and services, make sure that you get to choose the right hosting company. Remember that the Internet is home to many hosting companies. Hence, you should do your research well to meet face to face with the one that's truly best for you. Once you found the right host, it's time to pick the right hosting type.

If your company is still in its infancy stage, it's better to stick to virtual hosting before you shell out any money for a dedicated hosting type. What is virtual hosting, you may ask? Well, when a single server is shared by multiple users, it's what you call the virtual type hosting. As simple as it sounds, there are two forms of virtual hosting, which can be too tricky for a beginner. Knowing the difference between shared hosting and VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting can help you decide which hosting type to go for. But to help you understand these a lot better, here are some facts that you bear in mind:

Shared Hosting: Cheap But Insecure

Shared Hosting Versus VPS Hosting

In shared hosting, every component of your server is being shared - disk space, bandwidth, web server, and all. People who are on shared hosting type can also be categorized into two: starters and penny-pinchers. Starters are composed of personal site owners or small time entrepreneurs who are just testing the waters of e-commerce. They're still at the stage of figuring out how the Internet works in hopes that they'll gain substantial amount of profits from the online industry. The penny-pinchers, on the other hand, are those who are just in it to save money. They're willing to compromise quality for the sake of price. That's why their websites usually turn out to be a disappointment.

This only shows that shared hosting is cheap, alright, but it has a lot disadvantages, too. When it comes to security, stability, and reliability, shared hosting doesn't offer much. Since hundreds of users have access to the same server, it's the most vulnerable to hacks and disruptions. Your account that's only protected by a password can be easily cracked by a good hacker. Aside from that, if your co-users are exceeding their bandwidths, chances are, the system might malfunction or crash due to the overwhelming amount of requests it's handling. As a result, all websites, which run on that server, will suffer from down times.

VPS Hosting: Shared and Dedicated Hosting Fused

In VPS hosting, the server is also shared though it offers to give you a dedicated hosting-like kind of service. How? Simply with the use of a powerful software, web developers have found a way to partition the server's system, so each part could function like a dedicated server. If this sounds confusing, let's try to use an analogy. In shared hosting, there's a house. Inside the house, there are two rooms. One room is occupied by three people, the other is occupied by just one person. Now, the room with three occupants is most similar to shared hosting, while the person who is inside the other room is likened to be on VPS hosting. Although this person shares one house with other people, he gets to have a room of his own.

Needless to say, all deficiencies found in shared hosting are solved by VPS hosting. Security comes from using a software that makes it possible to build walls around one account to keep intruders out. Considering that your space in the server acts independently from other accounts, reliability and stability are not a problem. It simply means that nobody can rob you out of your web resources like bandwidth and disk space.

Max Adams is the owner of http://webhosting.infospotters.com/ - If you are aiming for a topnotch hosting deal that won't compromise value for your money, check out our reviews. We are here to be your independent source of honest and unbiased reviews of all hosting companies and their products and services.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finding the Best Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

If you have been online for an extended amount of time, then you probably know a thing or two about blogs and websites. You might also know that blogs are hosted on a web server, which is simply a computer that holds your sites files and is connected to the internet. When someone wants to access your site, they simply type the url into the browser address bar.

Lets say you want to start your own blog about stamp collecting but am unsure what you need to get that blog live. Well there are a couple of routes that you can go with depending on what your needs are.

We need to ask a few questions first.

Finding the Best Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

    * Is my site going to use a lot of media?
    * How many visitors do you think will visit your site in a month?

Its pretty tough to judge site visitors at the get go because this depends a lot on your marketing efforts and the quality of your content on the site. Its important to know how much media your planning on using because if your site uses lots of video and pictures you'll have to get hosting that has a lot of memory and bandwidth per month. The next consideration is whether you need dedicated managed server hosting or non-managed dedicated server hosting. Basically, the only difference is whether you take care of the servers or if the hosting company takes care of the servers.

If you elect to go the non-managed route, then you will need to be a little more tech savvy then your newbie computer person. For those of us that don't have much experience running servers it is best to choose the managed dedicated server hosting. This way if anything goes wrong with the server or there are technical difficulties, they will get taken care of quickly.

Alright, so you know what kind of hosting you need. Now its time to find the best managed dedicated server hosting for the best price. This is not really one of the easiest things to do because there are a lot of choices out there for hosting. A lot of hosting companies give similar packages and comparable rates. However, I have come down to really three hosting companies that have a good reputation for delivering a quality service.

    * Bluehost
    * Hostgator
    * Lunarpages

I personally am using Bluehost right now and have for almost two years now. What I like about Bluehost is that when I have a problem I can call up their customer service department and get support at anytime of the day. Finding a company with excellent customer service is definitely a major selling point especially considering how it is being out sourced to other countries more and more these days. This is not the case with Bluehost or the other two companies.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

5 Ideas For a Successful Book Launch

After spending weeks and months slaving away at a book, getting the finished product in your hands is one of the most gratifying events in a writer's life. However, getting published is only a step in the book writing process. There is even more work involved in promoting the book and getting it to sell. Here are a few great ideas for having a successful book launch.

* Host A Launch Event - When your book comes off the presses, having a launch party is a great way to get the word out, as well as celebrate your success. Offer free copies to those who attend and ask them to spread the word that your new book is available.

* Inform The Media - Press releases, interviews, and other media coverage can draw a lot of attention to your newly published book. While national media attention is wonderful, local media outlets often jump on the opportunity to promote local author book launches.

5 Ideas For a Successful Book Launch

* Use Social Media Platforms - The power of internet social media is amazing when it comes to word-of-mouth promotion. Online parties, fan pages, and bog tours are some great ways to draw national, and even international, attention to the launching of your book.

* Plan Book Signings - People enjoy the chance to interact with the author of a book, whenever possible. Both small and large bookstores are usually very open to hosting an even where an author comes in to sign their latest release.

* Book Speaking Engagements - Topic related speaking engagements are a wonderful way to promote your book, and its message to the general public. In some cases, sales are also allowed at these events, giving you an extra opportunity for promotion.

A carefully planned book launch is a perfect way to get the word out about your latest literary creation. With a well-written book and a strategic marketing plan, any author can make the launch of their book a huge success. Whether you work with or without a publicist, creating a buzz about your book is possible, if you try to explore all of the options available for getting the word out.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ftp Hosting - The Burdens of Doing It Yourself!

Looking for an sufficient hosting aid to spin with clients and sending files over the Internet? There are two options - either you can arrange your own hosting aid or can register for a professional Ftp (File exchange Protocol) hosting service. If you settle on 'do it yourself'' process you have to configure your own server with the help of valuable hosting software and hardware.

To set up your own hosting aid for the business process you need to install a hosting server, hardware and software to keep digital communication. In the 'do it yourself' process you have to install a server and make it accessible via Internet. This type of server is known as 'Live Server' and differs from other internal servers.

Other entities of your business process can spin with each other through this live server, which will act like an Ftp Server. You have to develop the hosting aid inside your business that will work like a professional Ftp hosting service. Therefore it is valuable to create isolate Ftp accounts for the clients. Here you have to configure the 'live server' in such a way that your network administrator can well conduct the folders and files.

Ftp Hosting - The Burdens of Doing It Yourself!


It is recommended to buy a server appliance that supports hosting solution managed through a web browser interface. Apart from general features of the server, there are some other features:

  • Processor Type
  • Hard Drive
  • Ram
  • Remote Management
  • Data exchange Rate
  • Data Security
  • Operating System
  • Technical keep

Apart from these you have to settle on an operating principles for the hosting server. In general habitancy use Windows or Linux as an operating system. Hard drive space of the hosting server matters, if you have adequate space in the hard drive of your hosting server you can efficiently store large files, which you want to share with your clients.

Ftp Software

How can you exchange files without Ftp software? It is recommended to buy Ftp server that is compatible with the operating principles of your server. If the operating principles of your hosting server is 'Windows' then you have to install Ftp software compatible with Windows operating system. However, some hosting servers come with in-built Ftp support.

You have to install the software on the server to configure your own hosting server and user accounts. settle on Ftp software, commonly known as Ftp Client Software, based on following criteria:

  • Efficient file exchange protocol with features like - 'Server - to - Server' and/or 'Local computer to an additional one local computer'.
  • User amiable site and file administration
  • Automated file exchange with File exchange scheduler
  • Secured relationship with the factory of password protection
  • Firewall support
  • User amiable interface

Price of Ftp software varies based on their features. For example, the price of Ftp Performer 5 or 4 Power and Ftp Broker are 7.00 and 5.00, respectively. However, you can conduct Ftp software at low cost. Serv - U, which is considered, as a popular Ftp Server for Windows the pricing starts at 0.00 for a dinky version!

Internet Connection

Finally you have to take the Internet relationship from an authorized 'Internet aid Provider' (Isp). By taking Internet relationship you can make your server 'Live', i.e., accessible by all. It is recommended to go for the option 'dedicated line' of an Internet aid Provider. Dedicated line will make your hosting server accessible round the clock. To ensure fast relationship over the Internet, register for Internet relationship that provides high bandwidth. The minimum requirement is 512Kbps.

Worried with the cost and involved process of configuring a hosting server for your business? Ftp hosting aid provides all the features of transferring large files over the Internet at reasonable cost.

Ftp Hosting Service

Ftp aid provider will allocate server space on their server, where you can store the files to share data with your client. There are two components in Ftp hosting aid - Ftp Server and Ftp Client. Ftp Client is a remote computer that connects with Ftp Server through Internet. Each Ftp hosting aid provider comes with manifold hosting plans. You have to settle on a right plan that provides sufficient keep to your business. Communications are done through private Ftp accounts, which are allocated for a specified Ftp server. Transferring files over the Internet, from one Ftp catalogue to another, is managed by Ftp software. It is recommended to settle on an Ftp hosting aid that provides Ftp software. However, you can also buy Ftp software separately.

It is observed that the monthly or annual cost of Ftp hosting aid is less than setting up a perfect hosting server. The cost of configuring a live server depends on hardware and software, which you are buying to make the server active. On the other hand, you will find wide array of Ftp hosting aid at affordable cost. The option of a hosting aid depends upon the required components of hosting service. Therefore, make accepted investigate on the price and settle on Ftp hosting aid for your business process.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Benefits of Hosting World Cup Soccer

The FIFA World Cup is an amazing international event held every four years. Fans from all over the world descend on the host country bringing with them an outpouring of color, passion, energy, and culture. The world game is a wonderful accolade to the country that plays host plus the event holds much promise to global broadcast, tourism, and injection of millions of dollars into the economy.

FIFA the international governing body for soccer (football) requires the host nation to comply with detailed regulations and specifications including security, transport, accommodation, training facilities, opening and closing ceremonies, marketing, promotions, ticketing, insurance, and other administrative matters.

Are there financial risks worth hosting such an event? Infrastructure issues (like airports, roads, stadiums, and public transport) for hosting such an event are usually among the major complications. When Athens hosted the Olympic Games in 2004, its budget went from US.6 billion to US billion: Beijing in 2008 went from US.6 billion to around US billion. London's price tag for the 2012 games has blown out from US billion to around US billion. So far, South Africa is estimated to have spent US billion and FIFA US.1 billion on preparations before the kick-off of the 2010 World Cup.

Benefits of Hosting World Cup Soccer

Potentially millions of dollars from tourists are injected into small businesses, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, tours, and transport from hosting the FIFA tournament. However, the costs associated with a significant influx of visitors is the provision of security to fans and all the teams, counter-terrorist activities, policing racial sensitivities, and purchase and installation of high-tech monitoring equipment.

The revenue from the sale of tickets to the games if not achieved would back fire on the host country as it may take years to recover the outlay for hosting such a global event. History will determine the success of hosting the FIFA tournament. The global exposure of this world event may benefit the host country and its local suppliers/industries in years to come.

The study of a US economist on the historical experience of host nations since 1954 revealed that in 7 of the 13 tournaments since 1954, economic growth has been slower in the World Cup year than in the two years leading up to the event. On the other hand, 9 of the 13 host nations since 1954 has shown faster economic growth in the 2 years following the event.

What the FIFA World Cup does is that it brings the world together through competition fostering cross-cultural interaction and international understanding. In a world plagued by wars, racism, and religious intolerance, the FIFA World Cup contributes to universal brotherhood, whose benefits to humanity is impossible to quantify.

Around 6 billion people watch the Olympics but this is pale in comparison to the 26 billion who is estimated to watch the FIFA World Cup.

South Africa is hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup in June to July. The next FIFA World Cup will be held in June to July 2014 in Brazil, a nation who was crowned the world champions in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, and 2002.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dedicated Hosting Packages

A dedicated hosting package is one among the different types of hosting packages provided by various hosting companies. These packages are available in varying specifications and can be chosen based on customer requirement. Dedicated hosting packages are often referred to as professional solutions and the whole server is dedicated entirely for your application or site.

Dedicated hosting packages are flexible and have greater processing power and will increase the speed of your website. They are best suitable for sites with database queries or those which need to store a large amount of web-based data. This will also enable you to install your own application or software and to configure it to your requirements.

The packages may vary with the hosting company. The software and hardware configuration of your package will be the responsibility of the hosting company. There will also be some added benefits such as multiple IP addresses, advanced DNS management, and advanced or dedicated firewall configurations. Dedicated hosting packages allow multiple websites on one server and offer compatibility over multiple operating systems and web applications.

Dedicated Hosting Packages

Dedicated hosting packages may vary in server specification and manufacturer, operating system, Ethernet, processor type and speed, memory, hard drive, RAID (hard drive redundancy), remote management, firewall, backup, and POP3. Hosting companies charge a small set up fee.

These servers are maintained by a support team of the concerned service provider. These packages help the organization or individual to acquire a server without the expense of actually purchasing it. They provide an up-to-date server with all the support facilities.

Dedicated hosting packages enable the customers to be free from tension as the service providers are ready to provide you with the expert service to meet up with the ever changing needs of the world. Additional services included in the package are 24/7 monitoring and built-in support service to take care of the administrative needs.

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