Web hosting is a vital part of your online business. Whether your business is small or big, if you have business web site, you need to have good web site hosting with high up time & reliability. If your web site hosting carrying out is poor and if it has poor response time, more than half of your visitors will close your web site.
Selecting good hosting supplier is an foremost work. There are many factors involved to consider while choosing web site hosting aid provider. Based on my experience, I am going to illustrate you some of the foremost factors.
Web Hosting Location
Web Hosting selection - leading Factors to thinkWeb site hosting location plays vital role for your web site response time. You should opt a location where majority of your customers stays.
Let's take an example. Let's say you are having a business in India and you sell your stock in Usa. Majority of your customers are from Usa. There is naturally no point of hosting your web site in India. Don't host your site in India because it's cheap. Since you have all customers from Usa, hosting your site in Usa will give you super fast response time.
So you got the point. Always opt the hosting location where majority of your customers are.
Flexible Control
Your web hosting supplier should give you full control to install anything you want in your hosting environment. Some of the hosting providers don't give control to install application in their shared hosting service.
For example, you might need ioncube loader (php module) to run your application or say you want to turn some of the php configuration setting to get good carrying out for your site. You should be able to do all this in your hosting environment. Web hosting supplier should give you control over all settings.
There should be an at least 99% up time. This is something that you cannot decree before joining. Some hosting providers do provide Sla for up time. Some don't provide Sla that doesn't mean they are not giving high up time. You naturally need to find out the up time. Quest on Google, read some delineate and find out the carrying out history of the company. If there are too many bad reviews, don't go for that hosting company.
Ssh Access
Ssh makes much of the work simpler. In dedicated web hosting, you will by all means; of course get Ssh access but what if you don't have funds for dedicated web hosting and you still want Ssh access. There are some hosting providers in the market which gives you Ssh access in shared hosting environment too. Ssh makes your life easier. If you are an advanced player, you should Always opt the hosting with Ssh access.
Disk Space & Bandwidth
Now a day, hardware has come to be so cheap that many hosting providers give unlimited disk space and unlimited data transfer limit. You will Always get much more disk space then your need but still this is an foremost factor. Always make sure that you will have adequate disk space and band width to serve your future web traffic.
I hope this report will help you to make your decision about web hosting aid provider.
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