Sunday, November 27, 2011

Comment plupart des gens choisissent Hébergement de sites web

Avouons-le, quand la plupart des gens vont choisir un site Internet, la seule chose qu'ils voient est le prix. Je suis tout d'obtenir le meilleur accord, mais j'ai appris il ya longtemps que les bas prix ne sont pas toujours beaucoup.

Certains commerçants utilisent un prix bas pour vendre un produit inférieur. Pour certains produits comme le dortoir-salle Ramen nouilles de qualité n'a pas d'importance. Mais le site Web d'hébergement représente vous ou votre entreprise sur le Web devant près de deux milliards de personnes. Voulez-vous vraiment à êtreknown to all the world as a cheapskate?

A Mistake Most People Make

Comment plupart des gens choisissent Hébergement de sites web

After spending hours researching the best website hosting company, the typical buyer makes one big hidden assumption-they assume they're going to be happy with their purchase.

Do you remember that old trick of putting mothballs in a gas tank before selling an old car to boost its performance? Shady web hosting companies have a ton of nasty tricks like that which can convince you to buy before you realize how bad they really are.

It's almost impossible to judge the quality of a company until you've actually depended on them. So it's imperative that you find website hosting companies which promise to give you your money back if you're not satisfied.

Another Way People Shop for Hosting

The website of the typical hosting company is filled with lists of features and benefits, and a lot of people seem to think more features is better.

But remember what Bill Cosby said: "the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

When you go shopping for hosting for your website, possibly the best thing you can do is look for companies that specialize in serving people with your needs.

The Worst Mistake Website Hosting Newbies Make

Most hosting companies today make it easy to buy a domain name along with your website hosting plan. But giving your web hosting company control over your domain is a recipe for disaster.

A particular famous email service provider offered to register domain names for all of it's customers who wanted a custom email address. Years later, the customers discovered that, to keep their email addresses, they had to pay a year.

Even if your hosting company simply goes out of business, you could be unable to access your domain name for months.

But, if you prepare ahead and buy your domain name separately, you can always switch to a new hosting company. You don't even need to tell your old company that you're moving until the change is made. And, best of all, your customers will never know you changed website hosting companies-everything will keep running smoothly for them.

web hosting

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