Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Free Photo Hosting

Have a lot of photos you want to share with friends and relatives but couldn't find the time to replicate them or send it to them through e-mail one by one? Then free photo hosting is for you.

E-mails only allow a certain number of files to be attached a time. If one has hundreds of photos one wants to send to a friend or relative, one has to compose a number of e-mails in order to send all of them. Also, one has to attach the photos one by one, which would really take up a lot of time, not to mention confusing especially if there are a lot of photos with almost identical names. Then all the effort and energy one can put in attaching the photos to an e-mail would go to waste if the e-mail was sent to the wrong e-mail address and had to be done all over again. Not to mention sending the same mail multiple times to different e-mail addresses. It's just time consuming.

To save time that you can use to do other more important things, you can make use of free photo hosting sites. Photo hosting sites allow you to upload photos and display them for anyone you will allow to see them. Photo hosting sites give you a place to display a large number of photos for a long duration of time. You can just send the link to friends and relatives who you want to show the photos to and they can download them anytime they want. They can even choose to download which pictures they want and leave the one's they don't want making it efficient.

Free Photo Hosting

You can use this site to share photos with certain groups. Group events such as sports events, company picnics, retreats, and other group activities that involve a lot of people who want a photo of the event can access the photos in the free photo hosting site. The group can even share the photos that different individuals took of the event and make it into a large collection of photos.

You can also display photos you took to showcase photos that one took for art's sake. You can show off different photos that showcase your style as an artist. You can also showcase photos you took as a professional photographer. You can even make it into an online portfolio that you can use to show to potential clients who might want to hire your services as a professional photographer. You can expand your network and get more clients this way.

Using photo hosting sites though makes your photos open for viewing by anyone. Anyone who has access to the site can view the photos you have posted. So any photos that you would want to keep private must be posted in a more private photo hosting account. Also, free photo hosting sites only allot a limited amount of data storage space for free users. For a bigger storage space you will have to pay for it.

Reliable Image Hosting Site. Unlimited Space.

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